Rest, Digest, and De-Stress

Working with your Body’s Digestive Cycles To Create Ease and Calm in your Life

Do you want to

  • Decrease Stress and Access Relaxation in your Everyday Life?
  • Nurture your Digestive Immune System?
  • Cultivate a Life that Honors your Body’s Needs and Wisdom?

If so, Rest, Digest and De-Stress was designed for you!

Back by popular demand, this small group workshop offers you a full day of nourishing and restful somatic explorations in community.  We learn about the gut body nervous system as a foundation for promoting greater ease and calm.  We explore through movement, dialogue, witnessing, and sound, and support these explorations with rich physiological information.

On both metaphoric and physiological levels, listening your gut can provide you with invaluable information about what helps you to create ease and calm in your life.  Whether you are looking to begin, re-seed, or radically transform your relationship to rest and digestion,  this workshop will provide powerful tools for your unique journey.

Details and Registration

This workshop has passed, but will be held again as a part of Somatic Wellbeing for Visionaries and Leaders, a program starting in early 2014!  See details here.


Words from past participants…

“I am already moving more slowly, which is a good sign!  This is a gentle, powerful workshop.  Thank you so much.”
“I love the way you model slowing down and getting in tune with our bodies.”

Participants from the first Rest, Digest, and De-Stress shared so many inspiring take-aways… Among other things, they discovered the ability to:

  • Transform exhaustion into relaxed attention
  • Breathe fully without force
  • Draw strength from the various flows of energy within their body
  • Work with rather than against their nervous system
  • Enjoy the softness and interconnected nature of their body
  • Experience ease and relaxation even given short periods of time, as it might be during the work day

I want to help you find an empowered to stress, your nervous system, and your gut body, and am so excited to see what this workshop holds for YOU.  Hope you join us!