First Degree Reiki, November 17–18

My teacher, Elizabeth Ohmer Pellegrin, is coming to teach a First Degree Reiki class in November!   The First Degree class is a fabulous opportunity to become enabled and learn how to offer the healing energy of Reiki to yourself and to others.  

I cannot say enough about Elizabeth as a teacher, mentor, and healing presence in the life of her students.  She is deeply committed to healing, and to the vocation of teaching Reiki.  She taught a first degree class here in June, and we have a budding Reiki community that meets for Reiki exchanges together about once a month.  These may become more regular as our community grows, and you would of course be invited to all of our exchanges!

Here is a flyer with more information:  Nov 17–18 Reiki Workshop

Let me know if you have any questions, or would like to register!

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