A Note from Lee: Concussion & Renewed Connection

Dear Visioning Body Community,

​I hope this message finds you well and resourced as we begin 2019. I wanted to share a little more, as I have been on quite a journey and away from newsletters for some time.

2018 was a year of incredible healing and transformation for me, both personally and professionally. The year began with a knock on my head (literally hitting my head on a basement pipe), and a concussion that had me in bed for 2 weeks. What followed was a period of several months in which my physical needs and symptoms (slow movement, lots of sleep, light and sound sensitivity, headaches, nausea, spacial disorientation…) held me to living my practice more thoroughly than I had ever experienced before. With the help of family and friends, I was able to slow down my work, go offline (mostly), and spend many hours, days, and weeks immersed in Reiki, Somatic awareness, meditation, rest, and creative process.

During these months of heightened sensitivity and limited ability, following my body’s needs and wisdom became a non-negotiable cornerstone to my every moment. The experience was at once exquisitely challenging, nourishing, and perspective altering. Positioned at a time when I was grieving the end of a relationship, feeling viscerally disoriented by the political environment in the U.S., and (to be honest) experiencing some disillusionment about running a solo business, these months of prioritizing my own healing directed straight back to the heart of my practice— being fully alive in each moment. I realized more deeply that my own creativity and self-care is equally as important to the mission and life of The Visioning Body as communicating the importance of embodied living, and offering Somatic Movement and Reiki experiences to others. They are all aspects of the practice I love.

The insights and offerings emerging from this time are vast and profound, and I am truly excited to share them with you as 2019 unfolds. For now, I’d just like to say thank you— for being connected with The Visioning Body and for all the ways you are exploring this grand adventure of living.

Humbly and gratefully,

ps. Check out this pic of my home studio! One of the gems that emerged from my 2018… <3