All you need is ripe for the sensing

Living a thriving and meaningful life aligned with your callings may seem like a daunting goal. I want to encourage you to know that every step of the way you can be guided by wisdom that moves through your body in sensations, impulses, thoughts, and images… Everything you need and everything you need to know is right there, accessible to you any time you slow down and listen.

Here is a 4 step practice for allowing your body to support you through any challenge or question you face.  *adapted from Mary Abrams’ teachings.

When you are experiencing something challenging on your path, bring your awareness to the present moment of your experience and your wisdom by asking:

1) When I am experiencing this challenging emotion, decision, task, etc, what am I sensing in my body?
allow your body to respond.  notice any sensations, internal movements, and impulses.

2) When I am sensing this in my body, what do I need?
allow your body to respond, rather than having to come up with an answer in your thoughts.  it doesn’t have to make cognitive sense.  allow your body to sense, move or become still, think, imagine.

3) When I need this, what will support me?
again, allow your body to respond.

4) See what emerges from this experience.  You may have new perspectives, or you may just feel different in your body.  You may have a new way of engaging with your original challenge, or you may be prompted to do something new for the time being.  Trust whatever you find.  This is your body’s wisdom!

I am pleased to announce the 5th run of my training program Somatic Wellbeing for Visionaries and Leaders, where people come together in community to deepen into their body’s wisdom around their self-care, time, money, emotional wellbeing, and life/work visions.  It has been a powerful learning journey every time!

I feel really deligthed by the group that is forming this time, and I’d like to ask for your help in guiding just the right other members to our circle (We are capping the group at an intimate number of 10 members).

Would you take a moment to feel into or consider if there is anyone in your community who would benefit from an in-depth, creative and body based journey towards living in deeper alignment with their wellbeing and callings?

If you know someone who may be ready for this kind of experience, please share this newsletter with them or send them to sign up for a time to connect with me one-on-oneabout their emerging visions and needs!

In deep gratitude for our connection,

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