Have you found yourself wishing you could hibernate just a bit (more) before winter is over?  Do you ever feel anxious or overwhelmed that life is just moving too fast?

In our technological age it can seem like we need move much faster than is supportive to our internal biorhythms.  Expectations for productivity and communication can be way beyond what we have been evolutionarily and developmentally prepared for as humans.  This creates stress, anxiety, burnout, and a variety of stress related ailments.

Slowing down, even just in small degrees, helps us access some of our deepest and most creative sources of energy.  We can experience more joy and enjoyment, ease of movement, and mental and emotional agility.  We can create lives of well-being and sustainable alignment with our passions.

I have seen this to be true for so many people, and I know how difficult it can be to slow down when all around us messages of working more, harder, and faster abound.  I’d like to take a stand against patterns of overworking that sabotage our brilliance and wellbeing so…

I’ve decided to start an official “Slow-Volution.”

And I’ll start it out slow ;).  Every Monday on Facebook through April, I will post an inspiring story, piece of information or question to begin a community dialogue on slowing down even amidst busy, passionate, or demanding lives.   I will also send weekly email reminders of our Slow-volution Mondays to anyone who signs up here.

Won’t you join me?  The best ®evolutions happen when we move together…

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