Have you found yourself wishing you could hibernate just a bit (more) before winter is over?  Do you ever feel anxious or overwhelmed that life is just moving too fast?

In our technological age it can seem like we need move much faster than is supportive to our internal biorhythms.  Expectations for productivity and communication can be way beyond what we have been evolutionarily and developmentally prepared for as humans.  This creates stress, anxiety, burnout, and a variety of stress related ailments.

Slowing down, even just in small degrees, helps us access some of our deepest and most creative sources of energy.  We can experience more joy and enjoyment, ease of movement, and mental and emotional agility.  We can create lives of well-being and sustainable alignment with our passions.

I have seen this to be true for so many people, and I know how difficult it can be to slow down when all around us messages of working more, harder, and faster abound.  I’d like to take a stand against patterns of overworking that sabotage our brilliance and wellbeing so…

I’ve decided to start an official “Slow-Volution.”

And I’ll start it out slow ;).  Every Monday on Facebook through April, I will post an inspiring story, piece of information or question to begin a community dialogue on slowing down even amidst busy, passionate, or demanding lives.   I will also send weekly email reminders of our Slow-volution Mondays to anyone who signs up here.

Won’t you join me?  The best ®evolutions happen when we move together…

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Flowing with Your Feelings

Since we are now a few days into February, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge all the different feelings you and others in our community may be experiencing in our still relatively new year.  Are you excited, or nervous about what lies ahead for you? Perhaps overwhelmed by lots of activity, or the physical challenges of the cold? Are you enjoying any aspects of your experience so far?  Frustrated or disappointed after having high hopes for a delightful new year?

Yesterday, participants of our Somatic Wellbeing for Visionaries and Leaders course explored the seeds and expression of emotion in the body, and I”m feeling inspired to widen the conversation by asking:

However you are feeling in this moment, or about the new year, where are you noticing this feeling flow in your body?  What sensations or movement impulses in your body are telling you ”I”m feeling (… scared, or excited, or frustrated)?”

At a basic level, feelings can flow very quickly from one to the next.  What happens when you take a moment or two to notice your sensed flow of your feelings?

I welcome your responses, here or on Facebook!

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Dreaming as a Powerful Action

Looking back at an invitation for a Visioning Circle I held earlier this year, I stumbled accross the following definition:

A vision is an image, feeling, or idea
that is beckoning you into dreaming or action,
dreaming being a powerful action in its own right.

At the time that I wrote these words, they felt more like a proposition than a confident knowing — something that at least felt right enough to try on for size.  I am amazed at how much truth they hold for me now.

I feel incredibly blessed to be a part of a community of people who dare to notice their visions for their lives and the world.  This in itself has been a dream come true for me!  Throughout the year, I have witnessed clients and students envision what they want, learn to honor and tend their body’s needs, and then realize that they’ve naturally and organically begun to embody their visions.  I’ve gotten to see people move through all kinds of inner and “outer” challenges, and find that their body’s are vastly capable of navigating towards what is right for them.


I am so excited for all 2013 will hold for all of you, and I want to welcome you join us in whatever Somatic Movement or Reiki offerings call to you.

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Create wellness and transformation in your life with a group of Visionaries

Coming back to a busy schedule after Thanksgiving weekend, I am feeling very grateful for my teaching practice as a structure that deepens my own self-care.  As I prepare for the Self-Care and Somatic Wellbeing for Visionaries and Leaders workshop series, I am reminded how consciously creating ways to share the practices I love, helps me to deepen into these practices as well.  I’m grateful for the spiraling, cyclical nature of the work I do, where giving opens doors to receiving, teaching engenders learning, and creating brings me into co-creation and discovery with others.
As I plan for this new workshop series, I am so grateful to be beginning yet another cycle of co-creation.  I am inspired by the  incredible group of creative visionaries who are already  gathering for the series.  I feel enlivened as I dive into notes from previous workshops I’ve led, courses I’ve taken, and the writings of other Somatic Educators.  And as I stay tuned to the particular needs and challenges of my clients and community of movers and shakers, the challenges that I face become so clearly part of the learning that feeds into the teaching, and on…
I am very much looking forward to beginning the in-person journey of these workshops January, and I want to warmly welcome you and your communities to join us.  Space is limited, and the Early Bird Discount ends this Friday 1130. Reply to this email if you are interested or have any questions at all, orclick here to learn more.
In gratitude,
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Finding Support in Times of Change

There has been so much change in the air, literally and in so many ways, in these last few weeks.  Storms passing through and the big election day tomorrow could be disorienting on their own.  From conversations I’ve been having, it seems that there’s actually so much changing for people internally and personally as well.  I know that movement and change is part of the nature of being alive, but what can we do when the level of change and uncertainty is, well, really uncomfortable?
During moments of uncomfortable change, I recommend a few somatic methods of finding support:

1. Slow down and pay attention to sensation.  Ask yourself, ‘What am I sensing and noticing in my body right now?’  Allow yourself to be curious, and even surprised.

2. Follow what feels good.  There is certainly value in feeling into what is uncomfortable, but it is equally worthwhile to notice and/or create neutral and pleasurable experiences.   A good place to start is to ask, ‘What else am I noticing?’  Or do something simple that you can enjoy — give yourself a foot rub, lie down, walk, hum, smell something yummy…

3. Connect with others who inspire spacious awareness and listening, or invite someone to join you in doing something (eating, walking, just being together) slowly and with awareness of sensory experience.

Finding support internally and through community is just what we are going to be doing in the Somatic Well-being for Creative Leaders and Visionaries workshop series starting in January.  I am so excited for the group of delightfully inspiring people who are beginning to gather for this course, to deepen into their bodies and visions together.
I am going to be announcing this offering to the wider community later this week, and I want you to be able to participate — so, please let me know ASAP if you are considering the workshop or would like to reserve your spot.

Click HERE to read more about the Somatic Well-being for Creative Leaders and Visionaries Workshop Series!

With you in all of the moving and changing,


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You are fabulous, and not alone :)

Earlier this week, I gathered at a nearby river with friends to practice one of my favorite rituals for the Jewish New Year.  We tossed bread crumbs into the flowing river to remember anything we wanted to ask forgiveness for, and to mark intentions for what we would do differently or let go of this year.

What came up loud and clear for me were two main intentions:  To be forgiving ‑and even pleased- with myself, and to remember how connected I am to other people!

I wonder, when you think about your work, life, goals, and challenges, how do you feel?  Pleased?  Frustrated?  Rushed?  Curious?
And what happens for you when you consider your connections to others in your work and life?
Your responses to these questions can give you a lot of information about what you’re needing at this time.

As you do the fabulous work of sharing yourself with the world, The Visioning Body’s programs are here to support you in knowing and receiving what you need for your whole being.  You do not have to do this alone!  … and there is plenty to be pleased with already. 🙂

I encourage you to get in touch today to learn more about how The Visioning Body can serve you specifically.

many blessings,

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Summer Harvests: Flowing with time by riding all the waves

It’s been several years for me since any kind of externally instituted summer break, but I still approach these hottest months with a sense of adventure, and permission to move at a different pace.  This summer, while continuing to teach and work with clients, I also went on trips to beaches, lakes, and state parks.  I just returned from a vacation with my wonderful family.  I took two whole weeks to enrich my practice with further learning in both Reiki and Somatic Movement Education.

I had an intention of allowing myself to expand into more life-enhancing ways of moving with time, work, and play — ways of being that would support my body, my visioning process, my practice with clients, and my practice of running a business.

The process has been an adventure in itself, including moments of enjoying, crying, indignantly declaring, resting and letting my sails flap in the breeze, wrestling with certain goals and tasks, and celebrating accomplishments.  Now, at summers end, I can say that experiencing all of these different ways of being — not just the comfortable, or the joyful, or the diligent, or the restful - but meeting ALL of these ways with a fullness of being, has helped me to deepen into myself, my vision, and my work even more.

I also became very clear, grounded, and excited about some new offerings I would  love to share with you to support your visioning, leading, growing, and well-being.

To start us off, please click here to read about  The Visioning Body’s new Reiki Programs!

With Love,


Posted in Emotional Process, Life/Work Balance, Reiki, Somatic Visioning, Summer, Time, Visioning | Leave a comment

Dream Seeds

I recently returned from an incredible workshop exploring dream life through somatic process.  The Body of Dreaming Intensive, taught by Susan Harper, opened me up to new possibilities for tending the imaginal and sensory journeys we take (while sleeping and awake!), and deepened my understanding of how nourishing this kind of process is to our life-visioning and well-being.  I am so excited to enter back into my work with you with all of these new insights, and new and strengthened tools…

For now, Here’s a fun Dream Seed Exploration inspired by Susan Harper’s work, that I invite you to try…

  1. Recall in detail a brief scene or image from a dream, daydream, or striking waking moment.
  2. Notice any sensations, movement impulses, or thoughts that arise in your body in this moment.
  3. Choose a figure in the dream (an object, the landscape, an animal) to “enter into” and imagine becoming.
  4. Notice how and what this figure senses, feels, sees, does.…  Allow yourself to play with this and see how you yourself feel in the moment.
  5. What do you notice in your body now???

I’d love to hear what you experience!

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Lessons from the Magnolia

I’d like to share with you some reflections inspired by the beautiful Magnolia tree that blossomed a few of months ago around the corner from my house.

Seeing Magnolia blossoms open is absolutely astonishing. Such ease… Such fullness… I wonder, “What would it take for us humans to also open with ease into our dreams, our projects, our thriving bodies, lives, and communities?”

What do we need for our bodies to feel at ease enough to dream and unfold into the lives we want to live?”

The Magnolia tree has a lot to offer us as a model for our own unfolding and blooming:

  • Before we could even see any petals or buds, this tree was dreaming them into being through subtle and intricate movements.
  • The buds opened under just the right conditions, the exact weather that would support their blooming cycle… even with the unexpected shifts and turns in the seasons’ timing.
  • The tree released its petals just as easily it had allowed them to open, as though to celebrate and share its creation, and giving way to its continued unfolding into spring and summer.

In order to live and create with fullness and ease, we as humans also need to have a nurturing space to dream, to follow our body’s natural timing, to celebrate and honor our ongoing activity and creations, and to continue to grow and unfold…

I believe in this nurturing space so strongly, and I want YOU to have it!!

If you are craving a space to dream and align with your body’s needs and timing, I’d LOVE to talk with you!

Contact me at 610 639 3036 and we’ll set up a time to chat.

Wishing you fullness and ease in all your endeavors,

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