You are fabulous, and not alone :)

Earlier this week, I gathered at a nearby river with friends to practice one of my favorite rituals for the Jewish New Year.  We tossed bread crumbs into the flowing river to remember anything we wanted to ask forgiveness for, and to mark intentions for what we would do differently or let go of this year.

What came up loud and clear for me were two main intentions:  To be forgiving ‑and even pleased- with myself, and to remember how connected I am to other people!

I wonder, when you think about your work, life, goals, and challenges, how do you feel?  Pleased?  Frustrated?  Rushed?  Curious?
And what happens for you when you consider your connections to others in your work and life?
Your responses to these questions can give you a lot of information about what you’re needing at this time.

As you do the fabulous work of sharing yourself with the world, The Visioning Body’s programs are here to support you in knowing and receiving what you need for your whole being.  You do not have to do this alone!  … and there is plenty to be pleased with already. 🙂

I encourage you to get in touch today to learn more about how The Visioning Body can serve you specifically.

many blessings,

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